of criticism

Your first hate mail from your lone visitor with 50 page views.

Wow. You must be getting somewhere. Someone visited your page 50 times to make up their mind. They decided that you were self-obsessed and delusional. Whew! Well, what can you say, you are these things, and more.

You are also just a little insecure, a little jittery about telling the truth. Tired of all the secrets. You’re also reasonably happy, on most days at least. Someone who has always liked to talk, but is tongue-tied in the company of new people. You are judgmental about people who leave cryptic names and laugh at you because you’re won’t give out your name.

But then, to be fair, you  are self-obsessed, so maybe you should tag all your posts that way.

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Blogger. Crazy bitch. Stalkee. Weirdo magnet. Wannabe housewife. Corporate Slave. Find me at anawnimiss.wordpress.com!

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