Forever in Blue Jeans

I remember the first time I went out to a Karaoke in Delhi. It was at a pub called Knight Rider. After all of my friends (including Mister) had had a stab at singing, I finally gathered some courage and picked a song I had been singing in my head for years.

Money talks.

But it can’t sing and dance 

and it don’t walk.

As long as I can have you here with me,

I’d much rather be

forever in blue jeans…

My people cheered as I sang, for they knew about my obsession with Pepe’s Gina – a basic blue mid-rise straight-fit pair with exactly zero embellishments, which was hard to find in the day and age of monkey wash, stone wash, swarovski, patches, and other punky shit I did not care for. For that same reason, I owned four identical pairs, and that’s all I ever wore. Much like my black and red converse.

I sang the same song at karaoke after karaoke, until they stopped making Gina. I was miserable and lost. I shuttled from store to store for months on end to find my jeans – people kept  telling me they weren’t fashionable and nobody bought them anymore.

Soon, I found myself clutching at the last pair of Gina in the Pepe store at The Great India Place (a mall in Noida), wondering whether to buy it – it was black, and I wasn’t sure whether I’d ever actually wear it, because well, forever in blue jeans.

I bought it. I still have it, but I have only worn it six or seven times. (I hate that it’s not blue.) I kept wearing tattered jeans – which also eventually became fashionable and then it became impossible to find jeans without the worn out “look”. (WTF is wrong with people?)

So I didn’t couldn’t buy another pair for at least three years.

Eventually, I had to switch to skinny jeans that people swore looked really hot on me. I was changing so many things in life, such as my marital status, I didn’t think one more would make a big difference.

I was very uncomfortable at first, because my body was used to having way more space, and I wasn’t a fan of the waistline being dangerously close to my asscrack.

And now, after having worn skinny, low-waist jeans for two years, I can safely say there is a certain way that jeans make me feel – like I’m dying of crotch asphyxiation.

Seriously – jeans are impractical when the sun is spewing heat like it hates your guts and wants to wipe out your entire race. Not kidding – it’s fucking 50 degrees outside, and all the heat and the moisture have had some serious impact on my sexual wellness (read two painful bouts of vaginitis) in the recent past.

I’ve also got rashes and tingly thighs from crouching to plug my charger in at work. Not to mention the butt crack that peeks out if I bend ever so little.

So I’m giving up jeans and switching to skirts and linen pants and whatever else that’s not jeans. Who’s with me?

Ever noticed they don’t make normal person jeans anymore? Do you wear skinny jeans, and do you face the same problems? Have you ever been on the verge of giving up a type of garment completely? How hot is it where you are?

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Blogger. Crazy bitch. Stalkee. Weirdo magnet. Wannabe housewife. Corporate Slave. Find me at!

49 thoughts on “Forever in Blue Jeans”

  1. Hi Ana! It has been getting up to 27 or 28 during the day here in Ottawa.That is a above normal for this time of year. Our hottest months are normally July and August and it is usually around 30 (sometimes as high as 40 but very very rarely).


    1. Paul, I know 27 is pretty hot too, but right now, even that feels welcome. You’re lucky that you rarely see a 40. The summer here, as you can see from my rant, is intolerable!


  2. I loved your post. In Australia, we hgave a famous ad for Mortein insect spray which says”when you’re on a good thing, stick to it.” That sums up the attchment to that perfect pair of jeans very well…and the multiple pairs!! I have two pairs of very comfy jeans which I bought a few yeqars ago and weren’t cheap and the shop where I bought them has since shut. One pair has a large hole in the inner thigh, which is obviously caused by wear ad tear and almost as bad asd showing your bum crack. Have grand plans to darn it.
    I have absolutely no idea what’s tredy at the moment although I have heard a younger friend talking about doing the skinny jeans dance. xx Rowena


    1. Ha ha… that Mortein ad so hits the mark! I think you should get those jeans fied and enjoy wearing them while they last. I would definitely do that!
      And don’t fall into the skinny jeans trap. You have been warned.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, my 9 year old daughter wants skinny jeans. She is the personification of skinny and is actually needing to put on weight so I will warn her of those possibilities.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks so much for sharing that link. Skinny jeans are out of my league but I did share that article on Facebook and will let my daughter know. After having health problems myself through no fault of my own, getting so ill through wearing skinny jeans seems like madness!!


  3. Hi Anawni, first of all great to see you again! I love my jeans and I wear the very skinny as well as some with a little more space. I simply love jeans. But you are right. When it gets hot in summer I switch to different materials or skirts and dresses…. not very comfortable to be sweating in the private zones… 😉


    1. When I was younger, I would talk on and on about how denim was the perfect fabric to keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. I think the 20 year old me just wanted to be fashionable and “modern” and looking for excuses to wear western stuff. Now that I’m older, I have realized that nothing beats the Indian salwar in terms of comfort. You should try it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Therefore I needed to come over. But I am pretty sure that it is a lot more fitting the climate in your country or even over here on a relly hot summer day. It looks truly convenient.


  4. I’m the same way. When I’m in US I have one style of black jeans that I wear. They don’t make my brand anymore so I had to switch over, but I can’t wear all of the fancy kinds, and the low cuts, and the button ups, and the butt designs, I could never change with the times. Now, I’m only in US like 3 months every 5 years, and I wear dhotis in Kerala, so I can just hang on to my same jeans year after year… except the last time I was in US I found that my waistline had seriously expanded and I spent the first half of my stay not breathing, and eventually had to realise that I needed a new size… and when your jeans are t0o small for you they just do not work with sitting on the floor – the whole butt crack thing… So I guess since I’m wearing dhoti, I kind of switched over to the whole skirt thing with you… Yes it is way too hot here as well. I don’t even have to move to be in a pool of sweat.


    1. Ooooh the butt designs! This HR guy in my office actually wears a pair with fancy flowers on his butt and it is so friggin hilarious every time he walks by!
      And yes, the dhoti is perfect for Indian summers. But wait a minute, isn’t Seattle supposed to be cold(ish) and rainy?


          1. Really, what happened. I was thinking that you were keeping up with blogging pretty well for being on the road.


  5. I’m in Hyderabad, it’s unbelievably scorching out here, the kind I have not experienced ever. I just want to wear boxer shorts all day, but to office, I can’t wear them, so have to do with formals. Even I stopped wearing jeans for more or less the same reasons you wrote.


    1. Well, men have their own set of problems with tight jeans. I understand 😉
      Hyderabad used to be pleasant a few years ago when I lived there. My friends tell me it’s been really hot and uncomfortable lately (as is the case with all other places 😦 ).
      Global warming is to blame!


  6. I gave up jeans, out of boredom a long time ago! I have one pair of blue ones nd a pair of black ones in my whole wadrobe! I like dressing up ,take a decent amount of interest in fashion too. I live in Dublin , Ireland. People here rejoice when the sun is out… literally the whole million and odd population(and their pets) is out on the streets running , lying down on the grass eating lunches in gardens nd having a pint of guinness , Picnic it is! We so far have been very lucky,we had a couple of sunny/dry/not-so-windy 18 degree weeks now! Frilly cotton dresses with dustercoats and skorts with crepe shirts and leather jacket have been my go to outfits this summer so far! I m so happy, its unreal!


    1. I’m actually “physically” jealous of you right now. As in “I feel it in my bones” 😐
      And it’s true – ever since I stopped wearing jeans, I actually pay attention to what I’m wearing. I’ve become more fashion conscious, which I think is a really good thing!

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  7. I cannot agree more…!! Seriously – the low waist jeans are so bad – for reasons you have already mentioned. Plus, if you are a little healthy (like me), its all the more uncomfortable 😦 I have stopped wearing jeans because I feel I look FAT 😐

    N ya, its too hot here in Ahmedabad – 45 plus.. phew!!


    1. Nothing beats salwars! Airy, loose, and comfortable.
      And 45 degrees is a lot of heat! I always thought Ahmedabad would be hot in the summer, but this much! How do you even step out during the day?


      1. Yeah – Salwars are cool! But not a formal wear :-/
        Its too bad in d afternoon – good m in office at that time – si need not worry most of the days. But u knw wt – even nights are hot! Lets just hope it rains soon 🙂


    1. April is when I gave up jeans as well, sister!
      I’ve been propagating Kurta pajamas for two months now! And if this trend is any standard to go by, soon I’ll be propagating just kurtas! And it”s not such a bad idea if it helps us women look hot but stay cool! 😀


  8. I can’t stand when an article of clothing is discontinued that I really like and fits me well. In the heat, I like cotton baggy shorts, but in the spring, fall and winter, it’s jeans all of the time. And, depending on who’s showing, butt crack isn’t a bad thing. Here’s a song for you – Blue Jean by David Bowie:


    1. I hate it that people can’t keep making the good stuff we love. They have at least a handful of buyers for sure! Like shorts – how can they ever go “out” of style? People are always going to want them!

      And btw, maybe the asscrack showing is the least of your worries (notice sly reference to the minion video). Like they say, if you got it, you flaunt it! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know, why would they do that? Why don’t towels go out of style? Ugggh. Makes me want to buy a lifetime supply of my favorite articles of clothing. haha! The minion return. Yes, there’s a bit of flaunting in that, isn’t there. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Ana. It’s 23 degrees here right now, and I just came home and immediately took off my skinny jeans because they were making me feel so caged in. Like you, I am used to having much more space in my clothes. Having recently gained some weight, my favourite pair of black skinny jeans ACTUALLY look like skinny jeans now, which I absolutely hate! Bending down in them has now become impossible, and I am finally resigning myself to never wearing them again.

    Also, interestingly enough, I just very recently resolved to buy multiples of any item of clothing that fits well. Because I always end up buying just one, and later regretting not hoarding, because inevitably, the best things also go out of fashion (or stock!), never to be found again. So kudos to you for already being awesome and buying three pairs! 🙂


  10. When I’m here in California, I wear jeans at home because I have to wear formals to work, so when I come home I get to relax in jeans/sweats/shorts depending on the weather. No skinnys for me – I had one pair that quickly sent me running back to boot cut. I like wearing a snug version of boot cut, but I can’t use my jeans in India.

    You are absolutely right – jeans just don’t work in India. When I visit, I bring lots of cotton, colorful longish, billowy skirts (many of them made in India:) and wear them with a T or a top. I bring along my shorts for running.


  11. Try Vibe. I faced similar issues with low-waists. Thankfully, vibe still makes jeans which are ‘high-waist’ and allow your body to breath than skin-tight.


  12. Thankfully it pretty good here ..pleasant actually.. so I have not had a time to think about the bad way the Jean rubs one..

    Although I use the stretch ones so nice and easy..


  13. I completely feel the pain, it’s bloody 47 degrees out here. Most times I feel like I am going to evaporate and it feels like everything is on fire!
    Which is why I have tossed my beloved pair of jeans away for the next 2 months and though I cribbed about wearing leggings with kurtas, patialas are such a welcome relief! So much airspace 😛 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha 😀 I seem to have found new love in leggings 😛 yay for skinny looking legs, optical illusion though it is 😛


  14. I am a jeans person and have one which is in tatters, which I am wearing at home. It holds true for me, I couldn’t buy a new pair for two years but gonna buy two this year. I love the blue denims but wanna experiment with grey. Last time saw an amazing Levis pair which is costing a bomb and I am resisting the temptation.
    Cheerz to this post:)

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  15. I have a couple of pairs that I have worn for years. Since gaining weight it is really hard to find jeans that fit and feel good. So, I wear shorts, skirts and slacks. I am pretty much a sweatpants and t-shirt girl at home. So, I can totally understand how you feel. I had a pair of jeans I loved in high school and wore them completely out. Never could find a pair I liked as much.

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  16. Loved reading it. The explosion of choices in the recent years has somehow made the simplicity of products disappear somewhere. Not only the apparel industry is overflowing by new and ‘improved’ products, it is now equally difficult to buy a simple phone, to watch the kind of TV shows they showed in 90s and so on.
    The jeans crisis is very relatable as living in Delhi in this weather is tough with what they sell 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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