My shit machine is here!

A quick word to say that I gave birth to a baby boy on the 13th.

One sleepless night at the heels of another, tiring days, dirty nappies, bleeding nipples, and general bewilderment is driving me crazy.

Then there’s the feeling that my body has changed beyond recognition, and I don’t mean just aesthetically. It feels like my limbs are falling apart and I have no strength left in my body.

And then Z cries and I somehow find superhuman capabilities.

I am, finally, a mother.


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Blogger. Crazy bitch. Stalkee. Weirdo magnet. Wannabe housewife. Corporate Slave. Find me at!

49 thoughts on “My shit machine is here!”

  1. Ana, he’s adorable. Give yourself some time to recover. You need a lot of rest. Get as much sleep as you can. I don’t want to hear from you for at least 6 weeks.


      1. Nursing takes a lot of your energy too. I used to try and get a little rest every time the baby napped. It sounds like you are recovering fast though, but you will still be sleep deprived. Hug baby for me.


  2. Congratulations Ana! It really is so hard, but it the experience is so worth while. Try lanolin cream on your nipples that will help with the cracking. Try to sleep when he does. So glad you had a healthy baby! Take care of yourself!


  3. Congratulations!!! All those craze-inducing things are normal. While there will always be things to drive you nuts, you get used to your new “normal” soon and actually start having fun 😀

    Take care of yourself! Take as much rest as possible and sleep when baby sleeps. The dishes in the sink can wait.


    1. And he’s a Capricorn! Something tells me that he’s going to be totally amazeballs. Us Capris are not known for our humility though 😛


  4. Wowww, congratulations to you and Mister and welcome to parenting club. It is one hell of an adventure, as a mom of two, I can totally vouch for that. Z looks very adorable!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ana!!! We have some connection. I gave birth to my baby girl on 13 Jan 🙂 If you remember me from my last comment (which was ages ago, on your pregnancy post)
    Lots of love to to the little one. He is a cutie pie !


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